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Adding a Lock to Web Page

Adding a lock to any webpage is simple, using Unlock's Paywall application. Note that the Unlock Community has built integrations for Content Management Systems or other applications (such as chat messaging applications, e-commerce stores or, even gaming engines!). See the Plugins and Integrations section.

Embedding the paywall

The first part of this requires embedding a script on the web page where the lock should be installed. You need to achieve this in the ​<head> section of the HTML body. The script to be loaded is located at the following address:


If you are looking for a way to use the legacy unlock checkout, append legacy=true as query in the paywall script src url.

We recommend loading the script using the following approach:

(function(d, s) {
var js = d.createElement(s),
sc = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
sc.parentNode.insertBefore(js, sc); }(document, "script"));

Configure the Paywall

The second step required is to configure the paywall so that it uses your lock. There again, you will need to use a <script>element added to your page's HTML. Ideally, it should also be placed in the ​<head>​ section and will let you configure the behavior of the paywall.

The Paywall actually invokes one of our other tools "Checkout" and the configuration you build here is the same JSON object you build for configuring the Checkout.

Please see this section on how to build the configuration.

var unlockProtocolConfig ={" "}
// paywallConfig object

Important: ​unlockProtocolConfig​ is a global object (it should be defined on the window object).

Handle Events

Once loaded the unlock script will trigger events on the page’s ​window​ object. These events let your web application adjust its behaving or the content it displayed based on the status. For a full list see Paywall documentation.

Here is an example:

window.addEventListener("unlockProtocol.status", function (e) {
var state = e.detail;
// the state is a string whose value can either be 'unlocked' or 'locked'...
// If state is 'unlocked': implement code here which will be triggered when
// the current visitor has a valid lock key
// If state is 'locked': implement code here which will be
// triggered when the current visitor does not have a valid lock key

Note: the callback can be invoked several times. For example, a visitor might purchase a key while they are on the page, going from the locked to the unlocked state. Similarly, the key that the visitor owns may expire during a visit which would result in the state going from unlocked to locked.

  • Event Name: unlockProtocol.closeModal

This event gets triggered when the modal is closed by the user. It does not give any information about the status of the user specifically. For that you would need to use the unlockProtocol.status highlighted above.

Initiate Checkout

In order to purchase keys, Unlock provides a modal that lets the user pick the lock of their choice (based on the configuration). The modal can be loaded by invoking the following:

window.unlockProtocol &&
window.unlockProtocol.loadCheckoutModal(/* optional configuration*/);

In some cases, you may want to customize what locks are available for purchase, or even the messaging. For this, the loadCheckoutModal call accepts an optional configuration object. This configuration object has the same shape as the global unlockProtocolConfig

Full code example

You can easily configure the following with your lock by replacing the lock address and setting up a network if your lock is not on the main network.